PCV Life 2016-2018

This isn’t your grandmother’s Christmas party

“This isn’t your grandmother’s Christmas party. Unless, of course, she’s from Morocco, in which case it’s very accurate.” –The Office

Yes, I know it’s a little late to be posting about Christmas.

Four months late, in fact.

Better late than never, right? I would like to continue to use this blog to inform my friends and family and whoever else might stumble upon it about my Peace Corps experience.

One of the questions I get asked the most is what I did for Christmas. We swore into Peace Corps at the beginning of December, and so were unable to leave the country. Some friends and I decided to get together to celebrate the holiday not really recognized in Morocco. A PCV from the staj before us who had her own apartment was kinda enough to let four of us stay at her place while she traveled for the holiday.


Starting off: it was cold. Internal heating isn’t really a thing here in Morocco. That combined with cement buildings with cement floors and poor insulation leads to a very freezing experience. I spent the entire three days sitting/laying/bouncing around in my sleeping bag. I particularly remember wishing I had brought more than two pairs of socks because they were were not warm enough for me despite the fact that I was wearing both of them at the same time.

We did not really do much for Christmas. It was mostly an excuse to see each other (we are encouraged not to leave site a lot during the first three months), spend some time speaking English, and binge watch Netflix (we had internet!) without interruption. I spent most of the time blowing through two entire seasons of Black Sails on my own. There was one day where I did not watch anything/play any games with the other PCVs – just enjoyed my introvert time. We also watched all the Christmas episodes of The Office, played some board games, and cooked American food (PCVs should understand the sacredness of these rituals).

We got a little creative. Props to Matt for the Egg Nog!
Cooking the Christmas feast
Mashed potatoes, guacamole, fried eggplant, quiche, and Nutella. A veritable feast complete with tea candles.

I was able to Skype my family back in the States while all bundled up in my sleeping bag and wearing my Santa hat.

I hope you enjoy the pictures! There will be more posts to come now that I have access to a magical internet stick (aka USB modem) that gets acceptable reception on my porch at 11pm.

We ate a lot of spaghetti. Go figure.
“Why hasn’t someone wifed you up yet?” -Sarah at 8am after I brought her French toast
My famous Moroccan French toast complete with honey and prized peanut butter
“Bunch dummies trying to cook a Christmas feast” -Melissa

1 thought on “This isn’t your grandmother’s Christmas party”

  1. It was fun seeing your pictures, but sorry you only have two pair of socks.😩 It was fun seeing your cooking and prepared food. Yummy. You have been gone a long time, I hope time is flying for you. Hope you are taking lots of pictures. Grandpa and I are doing well. Just returned from Florida and bust getting Caught up with yard and house work, yuk! Thank you for the Easter note. Love you Kelly.


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